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♥Monday, April 20, 2009

Earth day is not really inportant to me as i didn't really do much..i understand by the phrase 'save the earth' that not waste things and always recycle..it is important to reduce,reuse and recycle so that we will not waste materials and other stuff..i can save the earth by not using electronics stuff regularly.my family and i can switch off all the electircal appliances during earth day.

Be mine; ?
1:02 AM

♥Thursday, April 2, 2009

in order to b healthy,i eat veggies..fruits r also eaten after dinner.. i try to avoid fried food such as fries ,chicken wings and so on...these food are also popular among adults and children..but its very unhealthy to have it too often..it is important to eat healthily as we mite hav diseases...th benefits of eating veggies and fruits is that we wont fall sick easily and they provides vitamins as well..diseases such as heart attack can be dull to eating too much unhealthy and oily food..i like to eat fruits and veggies ..as certain of them r quite tasty..i support th schools campaign in eating more fruits ang veggies as it is quite meaningful..activities that can encourage children to eat more fruits anf veggies r like rewarding them after they hav eaten ..

Be mine; ?
4:11 AM

♥Thursday, February 26, 2009

the school get us 2 read every morning is to improve our english ..i like it sometimes .its only the times when im very addicted to the book .. but most of the times i do not really like it as i will be toking to my frewns .i like reading ..especially AUTOBIOGRAPHY books ..as these books totally make me a book wrom.i think reading can help in my school work if i put in addition work like checking words that i do not noe from the book that im reading ..i can improve my grammar & vocabulary in tis way...the school encourage us to read us the library has l0ts of books that are intersting.. i like a autobiography book .. its author ig Jenny TOMLIN..her books make me wanna read more.. although some words are very chim .. hahas

Be mine; ?
5:37 AM

♥Sunday, February 22, 2009

Be mine; ?
5:31 AM

so sweet,.

Be mine; ?
5:24 AM

Be mine; ?
5:07 AM

♥Thursday, February 12, 2009

i understand that >>passion for learning is tat we will like to learn anything that is new and unfamilar to us ..p.s(not bad things horh)i tink it is a must 2 hav passion for learning so tat we will study hard and n0t giv up when we fail.. :P i hav a so called "aunty" shhes my 20 tis year .. and shhes studying at a art sch0ol .shhes always very keen to learn new things .. and will not be pai sei to ask question that she dun0o..erm.. ai dun really tink tat ai hav th passion for learning as ai realli hate STUDYING !! :X ai jus cant sit still in th chair studying ..t0 devel0p mt passion for learning i shall try to do mre assemement bk to develop my passion for learning..


Be mine; ?
5:33 AM